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How to solve when the toilet sink is blocked & Cleanning the kitchen sink hole

Hello, Happy Dream Life is here. Today, I will briefly explain how to solve when the toilet sink is blocked and how to clean the kitchen sink hole.



How to solve when the toilet sink is blocked





Let's watch the video first.





What do you think? Do you agree?

I feel stuffy just watching the video. You can't call someone every time and pay to do this. I'll show you how to do it on your own.


What you need: Sodium percarbonate, Boiling water, Mask, Gloves


First, you buy sodium percarbonate at the supermarket. Then, put about half a cup of sodium percarbonate around the sink. Then put boiling water little by little.

And if you put boiling water one more time after about an hour, the drain will be opened and the water will go down well.

Let's watch the video together.



There are times when this doesn't solve it, but in that case, you have to pay someone for doing that job.



Cleanning the kitchen sink hole



Let's start by watching the video first.





What you need: Sodium percarbonate, Boiling water, Mask, Gloves


This time, if you pour sodium percarbonate into the hole until it is full and spray it with hot water a little bit, the foam comes up with unpleasant smell. Since the smell is unpleasant, I recommend you to wear a mask, open the window, and clean.

When sodium percarbonate melts and disappears, rinse it with water to finish cleaning.



Have a great day. 




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